Please check this page for any important notices to the public such as press releases, public meetings, event, park, or trail closures.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Arrowhead Newsletter - Request For Proposals
Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) is accepting sealed proposals for the printing, processing, and delivery of the Arrowhead Newsletter. LCMP will accept sealed requests for proposals until 4:00 p.m. ET on Monday, March 17, 2025. Late proposals will NOT be accepted.
To receive a copy of RFP documents and requirements, contact Public Information Officer Mariah Deitz at
A preproposal meeting will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025,* at 10 a.m. at Carlisle Visitor Center: Carlisle Meeting Room (12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange, OH 44050). Attendance is optional and will not impact the evaluation of submitted proposals.
Questions will be accepted in writing only via email to by 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. No questions will be accepted or answered after 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Answers to all questions will be posted online at by 4 p.m. ET on Friday, March 14, 2025.
Lorain County Metro Parks anticipates proposal selection to be completed by March 31, 2025, and all applicants will be notified via email.
*UPDATE: Due to an unforeseen circumstance the optional preproposal meeting will be rescheduled for Monday, March 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. at Carlisle Visitor Center: Carlisle Meeting Room (12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange, OH 44050).
Attendance is optional and will not impact the evaluation of submitted proposals.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Aquatic Facility Closure
Amherst Healthplex will be closing its indoor aquatic facilities on Sunday, July 28, 2024. All indoor aquatic areas will be resurfaced as part of a planned preventative maintenance project. Fitness classes, fitness center, locker rooms and splash pad will remain open under normal conditions. The work is expected to last 4-5 weeks.
Members will be given the option to “Pause” their membership and will be credited all time missed during the closure. Members who “Pause” their membership WILL NOT have access to the facility. Members choosing to utilize the facility during the closure WILL NOT be entitled to an extension of their membership.
We apologize for the inconvenience. For further information please call the facility at 440-984-3470.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Lorain County Metro Parks to Place Levy on November Ballot
[LaGrange, OH, July 20, 2023] The Lorain County Metro Parks’ Board of Commissioners passed a resolution today to put a 1.6 mil replacement levy in front of Lorain County voters on the November ballot. The issue will cost the owner of a $100,000 home just $1.50 more a month.
The board determined that the generated funds from the levy would allow the park district to accomplish the goals and recommendations outlined in its Strategic Plan. Earlier this week, Metro Parks Director Jim Ziemnik presented that Strategic Plan, which includes continued efforts to:
Preserve the county’s green space
Educate and promote healthy communities
Sustain clean and safe parks
Recruit and retain high-quality employees
Improve public access to natural resources, including Lake Erie
In 2022, Lorain County Metro Parks welcomed nearly 4 million visitors. The district boasts 38 diverse properties with more than 11,000 acres of land and more than 145 miles of trails. The park district prides itself on remaining clean and safe as well as fiscally responsible. Tax levy income makes up about 70% of the district’s annual operating budget. County groups and organizations that would like a presentation of the park’s Strategic Plan can request one from the Lorain County Metro Parks Speakers Bureau at or by phone at (440) 865-7838. The Strategic Plan can also be found online at
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Lorain County Metro Parks Announces Official Opening of Cassell Reservation
Lorain County Metro Parks is pleased to announce the official opening of the Cassell Reservation in Vermilion. A ribbon‐cutting ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 22, at 10 a.m. Attendees are invited to join us at the Highbridge Trailhead parking area at 815 Highbridge Road, Vermilion, Ohio 44089.
This reservation first began in 2004 with an initial donation of land by the Ken Cassell family and Cassell Enterprises, Inc. Through additional acquisitions (substantially funded by Clean Ohio grants) and a 2023 land donation from the Sommer Realty Company, Cassell Reservation now stands at nearly 290 acres.
Due to the site’s unique hydrologic features, and somewhat acidic soils, Cassell Reservation is a haven for unique plants, including several listed by the State of Ohio as rare or endangered. In fact, one identified plant has not been found throughout the state since 1894. In 2017, researchers identified Carey’s Smartweed (Persicaria careyi) within wetland areas of the park.
Currently, the reservation features more than a mile of trail to explore. The trail was cautiously built to avoid negative impacts on the site’s soil and plant life. The gravel trail is constructed of sandstone rather than traditional crushed limestone to eliminate altering the soil’s pH.
Cassell Reservation’s geology, soils, and plants set it apart from all others in Lorain County. Future development plans include a picnic shelter, supplemental parking areas, and additional trails. With time, protection, and stewardship, Cassell Reservation may ultimately be recognized as one of Northeast Ohio’s premier natural areas.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Temporary Trail Closure at Amherst Beaver Creek Reservation
The City of Amherst will be completing construction work along a portion of the Beaver Creek Loop. Expect closures and detours beginning around January 16. This project/closure is expected to last approximately 10 days, however, the work is weather dependent and may last longer. Please direct all questions regarding this matter to the City of Amherst or work Superintendent J.E. Dunn Construction at (615) 218-8584.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Notice to Proposers
The Director/Secretary has been authorized to accept sealed proposals at the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District office, 12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange, Ohio 44050 until 12:00 noon on December 12, 2022 for the following:
and Miniature Golf Operation
The Request for Proposal ("RFP") information packet consists of requirements and specifications and may be obtained at the administrative office of the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District, 12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange, Ohio 44050.
Each proposal shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope labeled “Proposal for CONCESSION PRIVILEGES at COLUMBIA RESERVATION” and the full name and address of the person and company submitting the proposal.
A pre-proposal meeting will take place on Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at Columbia Reservation, 25145 Royalton Road (Route 82), Columbia Station, OH 44028.
Questions must be submitted in writing and be received by the Director/Secretary (email: on or before December 5, 2022.
The Board of Park Commissioners of the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District reserves the right to reject any or part of any or all proposals and to waive any informalities or irregularities, if deemed in the best interest of the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District to do so. Proposals will not be considered unless submitted on the designated form(s) provided by the Park District.
Each proposer must insure that its employees and its applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. In the performance of all contracts, Contractors will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations pertaining to Equal Employment Opportunities.
No proposer may withdraw his proposal for 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
Director/Secretary, James E. Ziemnik
Monday, August 22, 2022
French Creek Reservation’s Pine Tree Picnic Area brief closure
French Creek Reservation’s Pine Tree Picnic Area is closed for today due to utility work along the entry drive. Trails can be accessed through the French Creek Nature Center. This closure is expected to last just through today (8/2/22) but as repairs are weather dependent this closure may be extended. Watch here for more updates and any closure extensions.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Early closures on February 3, 2022
All Lorain County Metro Parks facilities and locations will be closed for the rest of the day, beginning at 4:30 p.m., on Thursday, February 3, 2022 due to hazardous weather.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
COVID-19 Update:
Under the Guidance of State and Local Health Officials
As the situation regarding COVID‐19 (coronavirus) evolves, the Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) continues to adapt and proceed with caution. Due to recent increases, LCMP very strongly recommends all visitors and staff, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask when entering our indoor facilities.
At this time—any visitor that cancels a reservation (program or facility) for the month of January will receive a full refund. Customers who have reservations in February or March are advised to contact LCMP in the month of their reservation to see the current state of affairs.
The Lorain County Metro Parks will continue to monitor the situation closely and abide by recommendations from local and state health officials.
**UPDATE: The Friends of the Metro Parks Garage Sale has been re-scheduled for July 3o, 2022**
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Friends of the Metro Parks Garage Sale: Canceled
As a public health precaution due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), the annual Friends of the Metro Parks’ Garage Sale, previously scheduled for Jan. 29, has been canceled.
A new date has not yet been determined, but it is the goal of the Friends organization to postpone the event until later this spring. More details will be shared as plans are developed. For news and updates please follow this page on and also our Facebook page.
Additionally, if you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out to the Friends organization directly at
The Lorain County Metro Parks will continue to monitor the situation closely and abide by recommendations from local and state health officials.
Friday, December 10, 2021
French Creek Reservation’s Pine Tree Picnic Area closure
Beginning Monday, Dec. 13, 2021, French Creek Road to the French Creek Picnic Area (4951 French Creek Rd., Sheffield Village) will be completely closed to traffic. This closure is due to pavement repairs to the entry road. This closure is expected to last until Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, but work is weather dependent. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to improve the parks! For trail access, parking is available at the French Creek Nature Center at 4530 Colorado Ave., Sheffield Village.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Carlisle Visitor Center closures
A portion of the Carlisle Visitor Center will be closed on Dec. 27 and Dec. 28 due to scheduled floor maintenance. This includes the restrooms, Discovery Den, Dino Play Area, and the art gallery. The administrative offices and lobby will remain open for in-person registrations and rentals. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Carlisle Reservation Equestrian Center closures
The Equestrian Center area of Carlisle Reservation (located at 13630 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange), including trails, will close to the public at 1 pm on Oct. 15-17, 2021 and Oct 22-24, 2021 for the setup of our Halloween Boo-Thru event.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Request for Proposals: Reservation Software Professional Services
The Director/Secretary has been authorized to accept sealed proposals at the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District office, 12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange, Ohio 44050 until 10:00 a.m. (EST) on October 29, 2021, for the following:
The Request for Proposal ("RFP") documents consist of requirements and specifications and may be obtained at the Lorain County Metropolitan Park District Administrative Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange, Ohio 44050; or by contacting Mariah Deitz at or (440) 458-5121, Ext. 227.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Periodic closures of the Black River Trail for repairs and re-decking
Starting the week of September 20th, sections of the Black River trail may be periodically closed during the next 30 days due to repairs and re-decking. Our crews and the contractors are working very hard to complete the work as quickly and as safely as possible to minimize disruptions and inconveniences. We appreciate your patience and your understanding as we continue to improve and maintain our trails.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
COVID-19 Reopening Plans:
Under the Guidance of State and Local Health Officials
As the situation regarding COVID‐19 (coronavirus) evolves, the Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) continues to adapt and proceed with caution.
On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that all COVID‐19 restrictions would be lifted as of June 2, 2021. DeWine’s guidance follows the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendation that vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear a mask. However, unvaccinated individuals should continue to wear a mask and maintain a social distance. Our local health officials have agreed with these recommendations but deferred to individual businesses to determine their own safety protocols.
As of June 2, 2021, The Lorain County Metro Parks will not require masks in indoor or outdoor settings but recommend that those who are unvaccinated continue to wear masks. We will not require proof of vaccination. Additionally, the following actions will be in place:
All indoor meeting rooms and venues will return to original capacities and all COVID protocols including spacing, masks, and foodservice restrictions are removed.
Mask requirements will be removed from all Summer Camps. Participants that prefer masked activities will be able to receive a full refund for camp fees.
Vaccinated participants of public programs will no longer be required to wear a mask for indoor and outdoor programs. Pre‐registration will still be required for all programs. Staff will continue to encourage social distancing.
Indoor play spaces will re‐open during regular business hours with pre‐COVID cleaning protocols.
Drinking fountains at all locations will re‐open.
Golf Courses will return to pre‐COVID protocols.
Recreation Centers will move equipment back to original locations to open up the rooms and areas used during COVID for spacing.
Lane reservations will continue with the implementation of 2‐3 open lanes for water walking, aerobics
Fitness classes will open to 12 participants per class, pre‐registration is required.
Splash Zone outdoor pool will open with pre‐registration, 25 swimmers per 90minute time block due to staff shortage.
Splash Zone field house will open on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Amherst HealthPlex Splash Pad will open without restrictions beginning Memorial Day.
The Lorain County Metro Parks will continue to monitor the situation closely and abide by recommendations from local and state health officials.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Temporary closures for maintenance:
Black River Reservation’s Steel Mill Trail & French Creek Reservation’s Pine Tree Picnic Area
[Lorain and Sheffield Village, OH, November 23, 2020] Beginning on Wednesday, November 26th, Black River Reservation’s Steel Mill Trail will be closed to the public due to routine maintenance. The trail will be closed between E. 31st St. and St. Rt. 611 and is scheduled to re-open no later than Saturday, November 28th.
French Creek Reservation’s Pine Tree Picnic Area (4951 French Creek Rd., Sheffield Village) will be closed due to routine maintenance on Friday, November 27th, and is scheduled to re-open to the public on Saturday, November 28th. The French Creek Nature Center parking lot (4530 Colorado Ave., Sheffield Village) will remain open to the public during this time.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Lorain County Metro Parks to Host Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies:
Parks celebrate the completion of crucial links to the Black River Bikeway
[Elyria and Lorain, OH, November 6, 2020] The Lorain County Metro Parks will host two ribbon cutting ceremonies on Monday, November 9. These ceremonies mark the official opening of two crucial links for the Black River Bikeway along the North Coast Inland Trail.
At 1 p.m. on Monday, members of the Board of Park Commissioners, park administration, and the City of Elyria administration will gather at Cascade Park to commemorate the official opening of the Cascade Bridge. This ribbon cutting celebrates the installation of the $2.2 million bridge spanning the Black River and connecting the main section of Cascade to Elywood Park. This ceremony will be held on the bridge.
At 2:30 p.m. on Monday, members of the Board of Park Commissioners, park administration, and representatives from the City of Lorain and Lorain Port Authority will gather at Lakeside Landing in Lorain to commemorate the official placement of mile marker 0.0 of the North Coast Inland Trail. This ceremony will be held near the entrance of Lakeside Landing.
With all of its connecting pieces, including the Black River Bikeway, the North Coast Inland Trail will stretch more than 103 miles from Lorain to the Maumee River in Lucas County.
For more information, please contact Public Information Officer Mariah Deitz at or (440) 458‐5121.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Metro Parks Announces Updated Closure Schedule - Century and Lakeview Parks to Close at Sunset
[Lorain, OH, October 26, 2020] In conjunction with the City of Lorain’s recent order to close its parks at sunset, the Lorain County Metro Parks’ Century Park and Lakeview Park will also close at sunset - effective immediately.
In addition, the parking lot at Century Park will not be plowed for inclement winter weather. In the event of heavy snowfall, Century Park will remain closed.
For more information and for additional closure announcements, please visit‐notices, follow us on Facebook, or call (800) LCM‐PARK.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
North Coast Inland Trail closures - Emergency culvert replacement expected to take 30 days
[Elyria Township, OH, October 20, 2020] The Lorain County Metro Parks will temporarily close a portion of the North Coast Inland Trail (NCIT). The trail will be closed between Albrecht and West River Roads in Elyria Township due to an emergency culvert replacement near Straw Ditch (Please see map below for closures).
Work is tentatively scheduled to begin on Thursday, October 22, and will last a minimum of 30 days. This closure may be extended due to delays caused by inclement weather.
Lorain County Metro Parks Director Jim Ziemnik explains, “We had heavy rains this last spring which made a small issue much worse. The current culvert is not unsafe but will become so if the problem is not addressed now.”
For more information and for additional closure announcements, please visit‐notices, follow us on Facebook, or call (800) LCM‐PARK.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Black River Reservation bridge deck repair/temporary closure
Beginning on Wednesday, October 7, the Black River Bikeway/Bridgeway Trail bridge between SR 254 and Days Dam will be closed between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for re-decking. Contractors are hoping to have the work completed at the end of the day on Friday, October 9.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Temporary closures for improvements - Carlisle Reservation (Equestrian Center), Cascade Park, and Forest Hills Golf Course
CARLISLE RESERVATION - The entry road to Carlisle Reservation’s Equestrian Center (located at 13630 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange) will be undergoing construction beginning Monday, September 14, 2020. Vehicular access to this section of the park will be closed for approximately five days (dependent on weather conditions). Vehicular access to the Equestrian will be available via the Hastings Road entrance. Walking trails in this area will remain open. We apologize for the inconvenience.
CASCADE PARK - Due to the pending bridge delivery, fabrication and installation at Cascade Park, the entrance to Elywood Park on Washington Avenue will be closed to all vehicular traffic beginning Monday, September 14, 2020 with the hope of re-opening the roadway by the end of the day on Friday, September 18, 2020. Pedestrian access via the Black River Trail will remain open but construction activities will limit access beyond the shelter and playground area. In addition, although vehicular access to Cascade Park via the Furnace Street entrance will be available, intermittent closures that will cause delays entering and/or exiting will occur during bridge span deliveries. All park visitors are asked to use extreme caution during these construction activities. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FOREST HILLS GOLF COURSE - Asphalt work will be performed at Forest Hills Golf Course beginning on Monday, Sept. 21st. The Golf Course and parking lot will remain open during the construction, but visitors are asked to use a temporary access path between the parking lot and clubhouse during the work. Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Temporary closures for improvements - Sandy Ridge Reservation & Miller Nature Preserve
Beginning on Monday, August 24, 2020 (weather permitting), repair, chip sealing and asphalt overlay improvements will commence at Sandy Ridge Reservation. Sandy Ridge will remain open to visitors however, the Perry F. Johnson Wetland Center parking lot will be closed throughout construction activities. Visitor parking will be available at the Meadow Loop parking lot. Visitors are asked to use extreme caution as paving operations will temporarily affect use of the entry drive. Both the chip seal application and the asphalt overlay work will be performed during the early hours, starting at or about 6:00 p.m. to limit the inconvenience of guests.
In addition, remedial work will be performed on the Bentley Woods access trail to Miller Nature Preserve beginning on Wednesday, August 19. Temporary closures will be necessary to allow the construction vehicles to access the trail. Trail users are asked to use extreme caution during construction activities.
Thursday, May 20, 2020
Lorain County Metro Parks COVID‐19 Update
As the situation regarding COVID‐19 (coronavirus) evolves, the Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) continues to adapt and proceed with caution.
Miller Nature Preserve will reopen Friday, under strict social distancing guidelines. Face masks are strongly recommended to enter the facility and conservatory. Admission into the conservatory is $2. The Orchid Café at Miller Nature Preserve will offer a significantly modified menu of concession style fare to be enjoyed on the outdoor patio or to‐go. Orchid Café is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Sunset Café at Lakeview Park will also open on Friday with outdoor dining. The café is open Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lakeview Beach is tentatively slated to open for the season Friday, June 12, from 12 to 6 p.m., daily. Kayak and paddleboat rentals will be available at Wellington Reservation beginning Friday, June 12. Boat rentals will require preregistration. One‐hour rentals will be available Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays; $5 for paddleboats, $15 for single kayaks, and $20 for double kayaks.
Mercy Health Amherst HealthPlex and Splash Zone recreation centers are tentatively scheduled to reopen on Monday, June 22. Indoor pools will be used for lap swimming only, and a reservation is required. Both facilities will resume regular business hours apart from Sundays on which the centers will close to allow staff to perform deep cleaning. Further information regarding changes due to state‐mandated guidelines will be shared before reopening.
Splash Zone’s outdoor pool will remain closed for the 2020 season. This decision was made out of an abundance of caution for our staff and the greater community. Unfortunately, we are unable to comply with the state‐mandated guidelines required for social distancing and reduced gathering sizes in that pool.
June programs, events, and all facility/shelter reservations have been canceled. Virtual programs will continue throughout the summer. LCMP recently introduced the Yours to Explore box, full of activities and supplies for kid‐friendly fun and education. The first box offered on Facebook sold out in just two hours. We will continue to use social media to announce new programming opportunities as the public health situation evolves.
The remainder of the 2019/2020 French Creek Theatre season has been canceled with refunds for ticket holders. The carousel at Schoepfle Gardens will remain closed until further notice.
LCMP remains optimistic and continues to prepare for a reopening of all facilities and programs. We continue to monitor the situation closely and abide by recommendations from local and state health officials.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Precautionary Measures to Prevent Community Spread of COVID‐19
As the situation regarding COVID‐19 (coronavirus) continues to evolve, the Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) will move forward with the following updated policies and procedures.
Effective Friday May 1, all parks will be open 8 a.m.‐ 8 p.m., daily. In addition to this, restrooms will be reopened. However, the following closures will remain in place until further notice:
all indoor public facilities (including restrooms with facility access only)
playgrounds/splash pads
water fountains
bike stations
We respectfully request visitors continue to follow recommended sanitary protocols including frequent hand washing and social distancing.
Under strict operating guidelines to ensure the safety of visitors and staff, Forest Hills Golf Course has reopened as of Friday, April 24, 2020.
All previously scheduled public programs have been cancelled until further notice. We continue to develop new virtual programs and more. For the most up‐to‐date list of programs and events, visit the programs page of our website.
All summer concerts and the Mill Hollow Classic Cruisin’ Car Show have been cancelled for 2020. The Black River Celebration has been cancelled with plans to reschedule for 2021.
All room reservations and shelter rentals have been cancelled through May 31. Beginning May 4, at 8 a.m., those who wish to reschedule a cancelled room reservation may contact (440) 458‐5121 or New reservations will be accepted starting May 11, at 8 a.m. Reservations may be made for dates after August 31, 2020.
LCMP is reassessing the scheduled lineup of Summer Camps. Some camp formats are able to be redesigned to meet necessary safety measures while others must be cancelled. For current information on camp availability, please visit‐camps.
LCMP remains optimistic and continues to prepare for a reopening of all facilities and programs. We continue to closely monitor the situation and abide by recommendations from local health officials, and state and federal governments.
Monday, April 20, 2020
As a public health precaution due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), all park facility reservations are being cancelled through May 31, 2020. If you choose to cancel your event, scheduled after May 31, please notify Due to these unusual circumstances our refund policy and all cancellation fees have been waived. Refunds will be processed in full.
No new reservations or rescheduled events are being processed at this time. Once reservations resume, notice will be made to the public via this website and on our Facebook page.
Monday, April 20, 2020
The Brandt Trailhead parking lot for Amherst Beaver Creek is now open. The gravel lot is located at the intersection of Brandt Street and North Main Street in Amherst.
The lot will be open in conjunction with park hours for Amherst Beaver Creek Park.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Protocol we ask of our visitors:
If you are ill, or experiencing any symptoms, STAY HOME.
Be mindful and respect social distancing by staying at least 6 ft apart.
Please avoid congregating anywhere within the park.
Walk single file or step off the trail as others are passing on the trail and declare “on your right/left” or “passing”.
Use the restroom before visiting and bring hand sanitizer as park restrooms are closed.
Drinking fountains are required to be off limits, so please bring your own drinking water.
Take your trash with you.
We can only remain open and in operation based upon your assistance and cooperation.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Forest Hills Golf Course Closed
As a public health precaution due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), Forest Hills Golf Course will be closed until further notice.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Lorain County Metro Parks Extended Facility Closures
As a public health precaution due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), all Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) will extend the closures of all indoor public facilities through April 6, 2020. At this time, all outdoor parks and park trails will remain open to visitors from 8 am to 6 pm, daily. However, all playgrounds and restrooms have been closed until further notice.
It is out of an abundance of caution and care for our visitors and staff that we have made this decision. We tentatively plan on reopening our facilities on Tuesday, April 7, 2020.
All LCMP programs, events, and room reservations will be cancelled through April 30, 2020. All fees associated with programs and facility rentals will be refunded.
For those who do choose to visit our outdoor spaces, we respectfully request that they follow all of the recommended sanitary protocols. These include washing hands frequently and for 20 seconds or longer, cover all coughs and sneezes, keep hands away from the face, and practice social distancing of at least 6 feet from others.
Due to the rapidly changing nature of the situation, please visit our website or Facebook page for updates or possible extensions to this closure. We continue to monitor the situation very closely based upon information that is provided by the CDC, Ohio Department of Health, the Lorain Public Health, Lorain County Emergency Services, and the Governor’s office.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Precautionary Measures to Prevent Community Spread of COVID-19
[Lagrange, OH, March 13, 2020] As a public health precaution due to COVID‐19 (coronavirus), all Lorain County Metro Parks (LCMP) indoor public facilities will temporarily close to the public starting Monday, March 16.
All LCMP programs and scheduled events have been canceled effective immediately, Friday, March 13. All fees associated with programs and facility rentals will be refunded.
At this time, all outdoor parks, playgrounds, and park trails will remain open to visitors. Staff will continue to report to work and will participate in the increased efforts to disinfect and sanitize our buildings. It is out of an abundance of caution and care for our visitors and staff that we have made this decision.
Mercy Health Outpatient Services will continue to hold appointments at the Amherst HealthPlex (47160 Hollstein Drive, Amherst, OH 44001). Please contact Mercy Health for additional details.
For those who do choose to visit our outdoor spaces, we respectfully request that they follow all of the recommended sanitary protocols. These include washing hands frequently and for 20 seconds or longer, cover all coughs and sneezes, keep hands away from the face, and practice social distancing of at least 6 feet from others.
We tentatively plan on reopening our facilities on Saturday, April 4, 2020, as outlined by Governor Mike DeWine for Ohio schools. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the situation, please visit our website or Facebook page for updates or possible extensions to this closure. We continue to monitor the situation very closely based upon information that is provided by the CDC, Ohio Department of Health, the Lorain Public Health, Lorain County Emergency Services, and the Governor’s office.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Wooden bridge decking replacement at Black River Reservation
Beginning 12/19/19 we will begin replacing the wooden bridge decking on the long bridge on the Bridgeway Trail between Bur Oak Park and Days Dam Park (parts of Black River Reservation). While every attempt will be made to keep the trail open there will be unannounced delays and closures during this process. Please observe all signage and be aware that construction crews will be working on the bridge and surrounding areas. Thank you for your cooperation during this process.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
New bicycle and pedestrian plan (ACTIVATE) survey
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) is working with the Lorain County Metro Parks and our cities, villages, and townships to help create a new bicycle and pedestrian plan to improve access and safety across Lorain County and our region. This will improve the quality of life in our communities and will lead to increased investment in our parks and communities. Whether you enjoy hiking through our parks, an occasional bike ride, want to advocate for safer access in our towns, rural areas, and cities for you and your families, we need your input and support to ensure the plan serves all our area’s residents. So, please take the survey by either clicking the button or following the link below. Please encourage others to take the survey as well.